jueves, 30 de abril de 2015

Classroom Objects

 according to the image you will find some words with the classroom  objects.

Students can find a list of different words on the object of classroom.

pencil - lápiz
pen - bolígrafo, pluma
marker - marcador, plumón
eraser - borrador
board - pizarra, pizarrón
paper - papel
book - libro
notebook - libreta
ruler - regla
trash can (garbage can, waste basket) - cesto de basura, zafacón
scissors - tijeras
stapler - grapadora, engrapadora
pencil sharpener - sacapuntas
tape - cinta
desk - escritorio
table - mesa
chair - silla
computer - computadora
clock - reloj
teacher - maestro

student - estudiante

Activity classroom Objects

viernes, 24 de abril de 2015



Definite article it is much less common in English than in Spanish. In addition, there is only one word in English, the equivalent of all forms Spanish (el, la, los, las).

In English, the definite article is used only when you want to specify noun or noun group in particular.



The man with red hair is my father. El hombre con cabello rojo es mi padre.

Here is the book I bought.  Aquí está el libro que compré.

We sometimes use the element and sometimes we do not. It often depends on the context. See the following example:

Dennis is playing the trumpet. Escuchar Dennis está tocando la trompeta.

.I love flowers in your garden. Me encantan sus flores en su jardín.

Whenever I listen to the radio in the morning. Siempre escucho la radio por las mañanas.

The definite article - the

The definite article is the same for all genders in singular and plural.


the girl

the cat


If the next word begins with a consonant, we speak [də] if the following word begins with a vowel, we speak [DI].

The University

The pen

 English definite article talking to a person with a title is used.

President Obama is in Italy.El presidente Obama está en Italia.
Dr. Ortiz will help you.El doctor Ortiz le ayudará.
Mrs. Vargas just arrived.La señora Vargas acaba de llegar.

There are two English singular indefinite articles (a, an) that function as both Spanish forms (a, an).

In English, the indefinite article refers to something unspecified.


In general, the indefinite article is used in front of a noun (name) that begins with a consonant.

The indefinite article an is used in front of a noun cominenzan with a vowel. 

an eraser-  un borrador

a pen- un lapicero

Carla lives in a nice big house
Carla vive en una casa grande y bonita

My uncle is an engineer
Mi tío es un ingeniero

A kid phoned this morning
Un niño llamó esta mañana

Lee is a chinese name
Lee es un nombre Chino

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